Research Fellows Alumni Network
The MHS continues to maintain professional relationships with and extend benefits to former research fellows. Many alumni choose to support the mission of the Society by returning to the MHS to deliver programs, serve on committees, or support the work of those who will follow in their footsteps.
Are you one of our alumni?
Keep in touch and continue to receive many benefits long after your fellowship has concluded, including:
- The Massachusetts Historical Review, the Society's annual
- The Miscellany semi-annual newsletter
- Research Department e-newsletters that keep you up-to-date on activities in one of your intellectual "homes" and share news of other former fellows
- MHS e-newsletters and direct mailings that keep you up-to-date on the Society's activities and programs
Update your contact information by emailing MHS Research Coordinator Cassie Cloutier at
Share your news
Do you have a new publication or academic position? We would love to hear from you. Email Director of Research Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai or Research Coordinator Cassie Cloutier with any updates.
Support research fellowships
Starting in 2011, Research Fellow Alumni joined the ranks of earlier benefactors such as Malcolm and Mildred Freiberg and contributed more than $2,000 to support the first Research Fellow Alumni Fellowship. In support of tomorrow's scholars, we invite you to make a contribution to the Louis Leonard Tucker Alumni Fellowship today.